“Stay in the now, let your eyes gaze softly towards the future, remain unattached to the outcome, and find meaning in the moment. Deal with what comes, as it comes.”



Trevor is a teacher, author and facilitator who uses Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy to help people find meaning and purpose.

Twenty-Two Lessons For Now

Twenty-two Lessons for Now is an intelligent, witty, and easy-to-read guide to crafting a life of meaning and joy.

I Matter

Trevor’s flagship course that assists individuals and employees to deal with stress and burnout by thinking clearly, cultivating optimism and communicating assertively.


What if what you wanted was available right now? Could your thoughts and beliefs be getting in the way of taking action? Lowering your bucket is about saying yes to life. If there is something you really want in life, go for it. Don’t let self-defeating or untrue beliefs stand in your way. Examine your beliefs about yourself, about others and about life; test them and, if they no longer serve you, let them go. When you lower your bucket, you send the universe a message of abundance. When you have an abundance mentality you believe that there is more than enough – of everything – to go around. Try having more than one ‘bucket’ (source of income). Lower many buckets: call people, create things, put them out into the world. Trust in your abundant abilities to handle any situation, meet any challenge or achieve any goal.

Abundance is a mentality. When you have an abundance mentality, you believe that there is enough for everyone, and that no one ever has to go without. In contrast, when you have a scarcity mentality, you believe that there is never enough, resulting in feelings of fear and anxiety. A scarcity mindset is pessimistic and dark; an abundance mindset is optimistic and light. When you lower your bucket, you send the universe a message of abundance. An abundance mentality is not just about money. Looking at the world, through an abundance lens, allows you to see things from more than one point of view, to ‘test the waters’, as it were. Abundance thinking enhances creativity and opens up opportunities for change, growth and success. 

“I Matter has opened my mind in ways I never imagined possible. People at work smile more, listen better, and even work harder! I told my boss, the other day, that it is like a dream come true.” 


Park Lane Radiology


“A powerful, beautifully written and heartfelt manual for life! So much wisdom packed tightly into succinct and valuable life lessons. Read it, re-read it, share it and live it!”

CARIN MARCUS, Clinical Social Work / Logotherapist